
Evenemang vynavigering


Minisymposium Translational Stroke Research – From Bench to Bedside

BMC D15 Belfragesalen Lund

Lund BMC D15 Belfragesalen   Welcome and Introduction   Professor Martin E. Schwab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Neurobiological mechanisms of functional recovery after spinal cord injury or stroke; from the lab bench to the clinic with a neurite growth enhancing therapy.   Professor Dirk Hermann, University Hospital Essen, Germany Promoting brain remodeling in ischemic stroke at …

Half-time review seminar – PhD thesis Joseph Aked, Stroke Epidemiology and Outcome in Southern Sweden

Föreläsningssalen, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, level 4, EA-building, Skåne University Hospital, Lund

Welcome to: PhD thesis – Half-time review seminar    Stroke Epidemiology and Outcome in Southern Sweden Friday, February 14, 2020, 1pm Föreläsningssalen, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, level 4, EA-building, Skåne University Hospital, Lund Joseph Aked, MD, PhD-student Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Neurology, Lund University, Lund  Supervisor:                Arne Lindgren, MD, PhD  Co-supervisor:           Hossein …

Disputation John Berntsson

Agardh föreläsningssal, CRC, Jan Waldenströms gata 35, Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Malmö

John Berntsson disputerar i ämnet klinisk medicin med inriktning epidemiologi. Avhandlingens titel: Population-based studies of atrial fibrillation and ischemic stroke Huvudhandledare: professor Gunnar Engström Fakultetsopponent: professor Maja-Lisa Løchen, Tromsø Ordförande vid disputationen: professor Sölve Elmståhl Avhandlingen i LUCRIS

The Brain Conferences on Brain Stroke

Rungstedgaard, Denmark

Brain Conference on Brain Stroke: Why, how, and hope    The application for the meeting is now open. Kindly note that the early deadline is 17 January, after which registration fees will increase. Fifteen travel stipends of 1,000 EUR each are available and will be awarded following the regular application of 12 February deadline.   The preliminary programme and detailed information on the conference is available on the Brain Conference page.

Molecular Memory Systems in Brain Repair after Stroke” cancelled

THE SEMINAR "Molecular Memory Systems in Brain Repair after Stroke” April 23rd presented by Professor Tom Carmichael,  IS CANCELLED DUE TO THE CORONA VIRUS  ”Molecular Memory Systems in Brain Repair after Stroke” The biology of tissue repair and recovery is increasingly well defined after stroke. Brain circuits adjacent to or connected with stroke experience alterations …

Half-time review

Library at the department of Neurology, Malmö

Trine Apostolaki-Hansson, MD Title: Prognosis in intracerebral hemorrhage related to antithrombotic use - Observational studies based on the Swedish stroke register (Riksstroke) Location: Library at the department of Neurology, Malmö or Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/65903538863?pwd=QkJTMVFYbXhKYy8zVDhZazV4T3Fudz09 Main supervisor: Associate professor Jesper Petersson MD PhD Co-supervisors: Professor Bo Norrving MD PhD & Teresa Ullberg MD PhD Reviewers: Professor Christina …

Belfragsalen, Klinikgatan 32, Lund

Andreea Ilinca's doctoral defence in medical sciences, subject neurologi Title:   ” Genetic mechanisms for stroke in young adults. A clinical perspective” Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/s/67592450698 Opponent: Frank-Erik de Leeuw, professor, Department of Neurology of the Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Chairman: Per Odin, professor, Department of Neurology, IKVL, Lund University Examination committee members: Catarina Lundin, …

Half-time review seminar

Seminar room, EA 4, SUS, Lund

Posterior circulation ischemic stroke – phenotypic, genetic and treatment perspectives Petrea Frid Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University Main supervisor: Associate professor Jesper Petersson, MD, PhD Co-supervisors: Professor Arne Lindgren, MD, PhD; Associate professor Johan Wasselius, MD, PhD Reviewers: Professor Hanne Christensen, MD, PhD and professor Pia Maly Sundgren, MD, PhD Time: June 10, 2020, …

StrokeSyd virtual meeting

  Most welcome to participate in StrokeSyd’s virtual meeting at 4-5 pm on October,14, 2020 Due to the pandemic we had to cancel our annual meeting. Therefore, three virtual seminars will be held during the autumn. On October 14, we have a seminar focusing on ‘Acute Stroke’ moderated by Dr. Fredrik Buchwald. Further information about …

StrokeSyd webinar Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation

Most welcome to participate in StrokeSyd’s virtual meeting at 4-5 pm on November,18, 2020 Due to the pandemic we had to cancel our annual meeting. Therefore, three virtual seminars will be held during the autumn. On November 18, we have the last seminar focusing on ‘Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation‘ moderated by Zaal Kokai and Ingrid …